“There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.”

– Lin Yutang, The Importance of Living

A History of Matcha

The history of green tea traces its origins to the 7th and 8th centuries in China, with the method of making powdered tea from dried leaves beginning in the 12th century. Buddhist monk, Myoan Eisai, brought tea seeds back to his native Japan along with the methods of preparing powdered green tea made popular during the Chinese Song Dynasty. This powdered tea from dried leaves was the birth of matcha. Monk Eisai noticed drinking matcha prepared in this fashion improved his meditation and zen recognition bringing on a state of calm awareness from what we now know is the reaction of matcha’s caffeine and L-theanine amino acid.
It was not until the 1500s that what is known as the Japanese Tea Ceremony ritual became popular, preparing and using matcha. History credits Zen Master Sen-no-Rikyu with formulating the four basic principles of the Japanese Tea Ceremony known as “Chado” or “The Way of Tea”:
• Harmony (wa)
• Respect (kei)
• Purity (sei)
• Tranquility (jaku)


Ichundu offers a diverse range of matcha products, catering to a wide variety of preferences and needs. Our product line includes both conventional and organic options, available in three distinct grades: ceremonial, imperial, and culinary. This comprehensive selection ensures that there’s a perfect matcha for everyone.

For those who appreciate the traditionalism and timeless quality of conventional matcha, our offerings maintain the rich heritage and flavor profiles that have been cherished for generations. These conventional matcha options are a testament to the essence of matcha as it has been enjoyed for centuries, delivering the familiar taste that has stood the test of time.

In contrast, our certified USDA/JASCERT Organic Matcha represents a commitment to modern values of sustainability and health. It offers the smoothest flavor and superior levels of antioxidants, flavonoids, and L-Theanine, all while adhering to stringent organic standards and maintaining extremely low levels of bio-accumulators. This choice allows us to support regenerative agriculture practices and cater to those seeking an organic matcha experience.

At Ichundu, we respect the rich traditions of conventional matcha while embracing the forward-thinking principles of organic farming, ensuring that our matcha products cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences. From the traditional to the contemporary, our matcha lineup offers a delightful range of flavors, from the refined and elegant ceremonial grade to the versatile and robust culinary grade. Discover the perfect matcha experience within our diverse product range.


The health benefits of matcha are numerous and promote a greater sense of overall wellbeing. Rich in catechins, a natural antioxidant derived from plant compounds, matcha draws its nutrients from the entire leaf of the tea plant. Increasing your antioxidant intake promotes cell repair, decreases cell damage from free radicals, and is shown to lower chronic disease risk.

Other benefits include:
• Boosting brain function by improving attention, reaction time, and memory – all while avoiding the inevitable crash of caffeine alone, thanks to matcha’s L-theanine content
• Matcha contains a powerful antioxidant called Epigallocatechin Gallate, or EGCG, which is the most effective anti-cancer polyphenol
• Reduces LDL and triglycerides, aka the bad cholesterols, and lowers the risk of heart disease, which is the number one cause of death for individuals over 35
• Matcha may aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism, and increasing energy levels, which can help burn excess body fat